

FINALS ARE THIS week and I, formerly in anticipation for a carefree night of study, dropped Shelby off with Josh to come home and get as much done as I possibly could in one night. Unable to predict my dis-ease, I have found it harder to focus without knowing that Shelby is peacefully asleep in the next room squeezing tight her Milhouse in pale pink 70's style bird print pajamas, breathing sweetly and softly. Every night before I tuck myself into bed I peek into her room to see her innocence at rest, almost unable to shut the door and turn away from her direction I find myself with perpetual night time butterfly's remembering in that ritualistic moment that by some miracle I am Mother to a Daughter.

OUR VERY SPECIAL bed time poem dedicated from me to her..

A Child's Thought of God

They say that God lives very high!
But if you look above the pines
You cannot see our God. And why?

And if you dig down in the mines
You never see Him in the gold,
Though from him all that's glory

God is so good, He wears a fold
Of heaven and earth across His

Like secrets kept, for love untold.

But still I feel that His embrace
Slides down by thrills, through all
things made,
Through sight and sound of every

As if my tender mother laid
On my shut lids, her kisses'

Half-waking me at night and said,
"who kissed you through the dark,
dear guesser?"

Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Brooke said...

What a gorgeous picture of the two of you! And, I love the poem. What a lucky mother you are to have her--and what a lucky girl she is to have you!

The Hawkins Family said...

you need to save that and give it to Shelby. She will love your words Sarah. It is amazing to be able to be a mother to a wonderful child. I know.

My family Begins said...

The picture and poem are beautiful...gosh, makes me want to be a mother.

So how did your blind date go?

moriah said...

so sweet. i hope someday i can be a mother to a daughter. i love you two girls tons. i miss you like crazy too. call me soon.

Krista said...

What a beautiful pic & poem! You have such a tender heart Sarah, Shelby is so lucky to have you as a momma! She is getting so big, and is looking just like you, such beautiful girls!

Jill said...

You are such a beautiful person Sarah, inside and out. As I was "catching up" with you on your blog, I am amazed at the kind of mother you are, how you cherish each moment and see the bigger picture through the mini every day trials that comes with motherhood. I aspire to be such a mother. Shelby is one lucky girl.