

I HAVE BEEN reading 'Eat, Pray, Love' lately and I just cant send enough thank yous out into the universe to Elizabeth Gilbert for publishing her book the year of my divorce. She is brilliant but skips over the use of $1,000,000 words (you know the kind of book that makes you keep a dictionary next to you). As impressive as that is, it is just trying to hard sometimes. This book is insanely entertaining, honest and rather insightful.

On page 173 is a passage that leaped off of the page and slapped me in the face. Leaving behind so many people, things, and places this year, and only keeping around a select few without feeling an ounce of loss or grief for (not all) those tossed relationships. I could understand my own feelings for the need to incorporate this practice into my life, but trying to explain those feelings to others was impossible for me...until now.

"Still, I can see where cultivating a measure of intelligent detachment in your life can be a valuable instrument of peace." "I got to thinking about how much time I spend in my life crashing around like a great gasping fish, either squirming away from some uncomfortable distress or flopping hungrily toward ever more pleasure. And I wonder whether it might serve me (and those who are burdened with the task of loving me) if I could learn to stay still and endure a bit more without always getting dragged along on the potholed road of circumstance."

Now it seems so easy to explain...it is when the need for Peace trumps all.

1 comment:

Copple's said...

Shelby is getting so big. We were bummed to miss her party. We def need to get together soon. but yes, I have been way sick. Only I.v's half the time but still auful. Plus we moved! We were so lucky and found a house we liked and sold our home three days later! Hope you are good and talk to you soon!