

I AM NOT being sarcastic. I may be one of two people in the U.S. who rejoice with the glimpse of a W2 in the mail, or who race to the computer to so bravely do their own taxes and get that return as quickly as possible(although this is my first return in 3 years because of Josh's business). I love the feeling of having all my bills and credit cards paid off with a little left over for savings, and to go and get that one big gift I allow myself every year around this time. So I took myself down to the new HUGE Bass Pro Shop for a little gift to self shopping. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am a fly fisher woman! Yea!!! So I perused the Fly Shop and set my heart on a new pair of waders(my old ones were my grandmothers, bless her laid to rest heart, they were to big and very, very, bright purple. Every time I used them I couldn't help but have flashes of a certain purple dinosaur who's name we all know that I had to have looked like; but ill never be able to get rid of them). The thought of this(NEW waders) along with the mere fact that I am standing in a sea of top quality fishing and camping equipment made me want to squeal intermittent squeaks while jumping up and down and waving my arms almost violently. Now I say "big gift" I allow myself but really it was under $100. While maintaining my firm belief in being a responsible single parent and not squandering all our money away on one thing for myself I passed up the Gor-Tex $500 pair of waders that made me have to hold my breath, turn around, and walk away. I purchased the 30% off pair for $69 and made myself feel more excited by looking forward to putting a little money aside for a good fishing trip this summer and a trip to Mexico with my girlfriends(something we do every year[a different place every time]). So, after the glorious afternoon that was Bass Pro Shops, I went straight home, put on my new waders and squealed intermittent squeaks while jumping up and down and waving my arms very violently.

PICKED UP A couple hats for this summers sun. Shelby loves hats!


jes said...

just wanted to say hi!! looks like you two are having a good time!

My family Begins said...

Cute, Cute, Cute! Sarah you are just adorable and so is Shelby. Andy is a commercial broker awhich means he gets a 1099, I own a company that took a loss this year which is great for me, but because of his tax situation...I hate April 15th.

Brooke said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I wasn't sure if you ever looked at it or not. I'll definitely tell Beau that you say "hi." He seems to be doing pretty well in basic training--so we're excited for that! He was just so anxious to leave Snowflake and do something different and exciting with his life. I love your new hats! Elliott's always trying to put his Cabela's or whatever camo hats on Ellee and she's not too big into them yet. And, I'm impressed that Shelby has a big girl bed already. I'm nervous for that with Ellee--she's been known to sleep walk into things. :) I'm glad to see that you girls are doing (and looking!) great!

Stefany Pew said...

Oh course I remember you. I could I not. Good times for sure back in the ol' MCC singles ward! Your daughter is SO cute! It's good to see some pics of you and your fam.