

SHELBY GOT A big girl bed. The bed frame was my grandfathers when he was a little boy, I also slept on the bed for three years growing up. I was so excited when we got all settled in the house to set up the bed for her. I got her a pretty cotton and chenille antique bedspread, crisp new white sheets, her very own pillow(for looks), waterproof mattress and pillow protectors, a guard rail, the whole works. She wants nothing to do with it, it is just this object in her room that might as well be the wall. She just wants to sleep in her pack-n-play. Now I know this is a sign that she is just not ready yet, she feels safe in the pack-n-play, and I wont push her but this smart little girl is taking her sweet time growing up and I am just so eager to teach her and help her along to her next levels. On the flip side, I am so glad she is as careful and timid as she is. That is just the best way to describe Shelby. She really trusts herself, her own instincts. I guess I can wait(to put that dang pack-n-play away)!

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