

SHELBY'S AUNT JILL had posted this on her blog a while back. I loved it and had to share it with my family and friends. It is so true and Louis CK is hilarious in such a realistic, matter of fact sort of way.
I always felt bad about not dwelling to long or to hard on all of the crises and disasters that plague the globe. While I feel strongly about certain things and have been affected by some of them personally and will appropriately contemplate a fire storm or current event, I have never carried the 5 o'clock news on my shoulders for long; long enough to suck the life from those around me. I always thought that maybe it was a mental survival mechanism and that I was selfish for not trying to save the world. But the thing is, we have more to be joyous about than depressed about. I believe we can be effectual by sticking to our guns in the moments that it counts and by trying to be forgiving and loving to our family, then our community, then the state and the nation will follow effecting the globe even when we are unaware of it.
Yes, I believe I could do more to change the world but I want to teach Shelby that she can feel good about herself by simply being happy and glad to be here, even if it is in the midst of disaster. This is just yet another important lesson I have learned in the past 2 years. After a divorce, fall outs with friends, dating as a mother, etc. etc. I learned to trust my own instincts concerning Shelby and myself and accept that after all of that...not everyone will love me, not everyone will even like me, but some will and some will show the meaning of unconditional friendship in the crease of hardship and some will show patience and stand back from the gossip displaying the harder task of realizing that there is in fact TWO sides to every story even if it is just for Shelby that they do that.
The point of my tangent would be to express gratitude for my good friends who know all, i mean every dirty disgraceful detail of my shame but still put life in perspective and laugh me through it and to my family and so many of Shelby's Dada's family who choose kindness over bitterness. There is always silver lining, and somehow after all the fog and ditches I am happier than I have ever been. As long as my wonderful well adjusted child is healthy and happy, I would have to agree with Louis CK...everything is amazing! Stop complaining!!!

1 comment:

Lise' said...

Holy geez, that's the funniest guy I've ever seen in my life!