

LAST FRIDAY NIGHT after a long day at work and after picking Shelby up from daycare, we headed to the grocery store for a few essential items like bread, milk, eggs, oatmeal, a few veggies and stuff for lunches this week. Shelby decided that she wanted to ride in the "big" basket (where all the groceries go), so in the hopes of averting disaster I moved the eggs up to the "little" basket where kids should be sitting I also at that point moved my purse to the same spot due to Shelbys sneaky ability to riffle through it searching for my credit cards and their fun little slots (instinct I suppose). After checking out and reaching the truck I loaded up the little astronaut and realized I had forgotten to pay for the eggs that were still sitting under my purse. Hungry and tired with a 2 year old already buckled in, I decided that the economy at least owed my family a carton of eggs (all the while realizing that I was in fact trying to justify stealing and I would not want to teach my daughter this behavior). Once home I unloaded everything including the astronaut and realized very quickly that the bagger/check out person at the store forgot to in fact give me my milk. How could I be upset...I totally deserved that!


moriah said...

Everytime I do something like that I am instantly humbled. Karma is real just ask Earl.

aj perkins said...

That is too funny. So did you go bavk to pay for eggs and get your milk in return?? Funny how things happen huh?