

YOU ALL RECALL 'the strawberry shoe' from a previous post right? Well, I thought that was a one time quirky and hilarious little thing.
I guess this is going to be an on going thing! I love walking in to a room to find a Shelby filled something. This behavior comes so naturally to her, I love it. You just cant buy this kind of entertainment.

She has a definite thing for shoe filling.


Keep up the good work Willy!


Krista said...

Hahaha, that cracks me up. Its so funny all the little corky things they do. and YEAY for no more pass! Its so hard to break them of habbits or instill new ones in them... oh the life of a two year old :) Thanks so much for you comment, I miss you! We really do need to get together!

LannaBear said...

She is an arteeeest! I am amazed. She is so creative.

moriah said...

Very pretty and impressive.