

UNSURPRISINGLY TO SOME, I took a rather impromptu trip this last weekend to Hawaii. I have a tendency to do this because I believe that life should be..oh, I don't know...lived! This is one way I do that. I believe in getting out of our bubble and exploring this amazing place we call Earth. After the half a dozen tragedies it took for me to realize this, I am so glad I did. Though Hawaii was not as culturally challenging as other travels(minus the spelling of all the roads - Kanekapolei, Kalaimoku, Kealohilani and much much more for our entertainment and near death experiences in one way traffic for others, two way for me) it is still one of Gods most amazing creations. Luckily, my oldest friend(since she was born) Alanna had a window of time and some extra tax refund money and decided to join me. We had to be cheap! Our flight was $350 round trip, we stayed in $80 a night hotels, split it was a whopping $40 bucks each(obviously, Sarah), rented a Budget rent a car for $20 a day(again split)and ate as many cheap, very delicious, very greasy hamburgers as we could and after one or two, okay five souvenir's for Shelby later, I came home with enough money left over to pay rent and 2 or 3 bills. We rock! The key was to get out of the city, and everyone should, that is where all the beauty is.

OUR FIRST DAY - Up the windward coast headed to North Shore. Living in our bathing suits was GREAT but not so flattering the first day you are there. I was a very shiny shade of white!


PLUMERIA GIVEN TO us at the temple by a sister missionary.

WORN ON THE right means you are "available", on the left "unavailable".

ON THE SET of the TV show LOST!

HEADING BACK TO Waikiki from North Shore.


DAY TWO - PEARL HARBOR - A bit of a history buff, this was a big day for me. It was really important to me that we make this stop. I wont spew my feelings on it but it was truly amazing and utterly devastating being there. My name is Sarah and I am a patriot.

VIEW FROM OUR hotel room - Waikiki.

DAY THREE - HALONA BLOWHOLE, saw a sea turtle in this bay!


DON'T LET THIS guy fool you.....he's dead!

SUCH A BAD picture because I was laughing so hard when I took it. This moment at the airport involved comments on epilepsy and narcolepsy safety equipment!


moriah said...

good for you! looks like fun!

Brooke said...

I'm so glad you got to go on such a fun getaway! You lucky girl! I loved all the pictures. Maybe one day I'll make it to Hawaii... And, that's so great that you got to go to Pearl Harbor--I love those kinds of places. I bet there's such a powerful feeling there.

Summer said...

I'm glad you got to get away! Looks like fun! Cute pictures!

jes said...

wow that looked like so much fun!! one of these days i'm defiantly going! so beautiful!