

MY GOOD FRIEND Beth and her family invited us to the Scottsdale Dog Fancier Show where they were showing two of their Rottweilers. We had such a good time. The weather was perfect, the people were nice and the dogs were gorgeous. It amazed me but did not surprise me how well behaved the dogs at shows are, so well trained, very sweet, very calm. While I still maintain the belief that certain breeds harbor certain tendencies due solely to their type[(i.e. pit bull and aggression)some would argue that it is all in the way they are "raised"]I don't believe that, there is something to be said for DNA and all that it contributes, including character flaws. Like the way an alcoholic father would pass down to his son the higher probability that he too will be an alcoholic, even if the son never met his biological father. That's nature. But the treatment of animals always shows up in their character. Lucky for us we saw an assuaging display of what well maintained canines could become. Finally, our afternoon....


THE WOLFHOUND. I have known horses smaller than these gentle giants. We had an Irish Wolfhound as a therapy dog at the hospital at one time. Despite the look of them, they are very sweet.

IN THE RING now. Its the kid show, playing house I guess?

ONE OF MANY looks thrown by Shelby. Weren't we just talking about inherited character flaws? I believe this look is the "another flippin picture of me mom?" look.

GREAT DAY TOGETHER, just me and my nose picker! Seriously, that is her best Hobby right now. She is fascinated by it. I just hope she doesn't figure out that they are edible.

PLAYING IN OUR new (very old - 1950'S) house that we are renting. Where's waldo, I mean Shelby?

HERE SHE IS, behind the pillow. Gosh I love her so much.


moriah said...

The dog show looked fun. Any Bassets there? Hopefully Lola will be a mama soon and we will have lots of little Bassets. I love the picture of you and Shelby.

Krista said...

Sarah! I am still figuring out this whole blogging buisness, who knew you could leave comments. It sure seems like things are going so good for you, you look so happy! Shelby is just a mini you, she is beautiful! I just love looking at your blog! keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

that pic of you and shelby is so cute. You girls are so beautiful