

MY DAUGHTER HAS an issue. I love that she loves to brush her teeth but I have to admit it is not because she is concerned about her dental hygiene. Shelby is obsessed with toothpaste and would try to eat it all day long if I let her. I have more than once had to ask her if she needs me to accompany her to Toothpasteaholics Anonymous! She still refuses to admit that she has a problem.


The Hawkins Family said...

that is so funny. Logan is obsessed with his toothbrush, not so much the toothpaste cause I wont ever let him use that on his own cause he is too little right now. But he will walk around with his toothbrush all day long if I let him. Kids are just weird like that.

moriah said...

There are worse addictions. At least she doesn't put things in her nose or ears or somehting.

LannaBear said...

Ya know, I could hook you up with Parents of Toothpasteaholics if you need it. I have the number right here on my desk...