

LAST WEEKEND, SHELBY and I decided to go up to Snowflake and visit my mom. She took a spill off of the ladder that goes up to her loft back at the end of September, so we have taken three trips up there since then to do some house work and other things while she recovered. Last weekend I took on the task of planting all of her vegetables and flowers in the green house in preparation for winter. It seemed daunting at first but 5 minutes into it I realized how much I missed working on our house and on our land. And how good it felt to do some manual labor. Something about it brings you back down to earth...literally. If productivity had a smell, it would be a potting soil/top soil mix.
HERE ARE A few pictures my mom took of the process.


FOUND A STINK bug while digging dirt to mix. Shelby loves stink bugs, she tells them hello and pets their backs.

FILLING THE BINS with soil...

FINALLY PLANTING THE seeds, Shelby never wavered throughout the entire morning. She was my big helper (minus the drilling).


aj perkins said...

looks like you have been busy, its always nice to have a little helper huh!I am sorry to hear about your mom, is she doing alright?? I will call you this week when I get down there k. TTYL

The Hawkins Family said...

it amazes me all the time that kids are willing to do anything and try something new just because they love the new experience.

LannaBear said...

I love your little hair wrap thingy ma bob!! You are such a hot mom. MILF. Couger