

LAST WEEK I perused Craigslist in search of the first bike I would have ever bought for myself. This is the one good thing about living in a city; running errands on a bike is possible. Saving gas, fun with Shelby, and getting some exercise, a perk. With a limited budget I found the perfect bike for me; a sweet black beach cruiser all decked out for only $75. All the way in North Phoenix, I call the guy, get the address and tell him I am on my way and that I would be there in an hour. Shelby and I grab a snack and head out the door only to pull up to this dudes house with my bike driving away in the back of someone Else's car. AAAahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I was pissed! SO, I knock on the door bottling up all my anger as to not scare the crap out of sweet Shelby. The guy playing dumb says "oh, man, I totally thought that was you", "OH REALLY!" I reply "because I am pretty sure that who ever that was also needed to get directions to your house, which you gave to them unless they are PSYCHIC!"..."What, nothing to say to that??", that's what I thought. So finally he opens his garage with 8 more cruisers in it and offers me a much crappier version of a bicycle for $50, I gave him 40 and took 'my' bike and left.
I'm not to bad at making lemons into lemonade so I stared at my old bike long enough to see it in a new sort of way. Ill just fix it up with the left over money from my cool bike that I didn't get. Enlisting the help of my friend and neighbor Nick (the BMXer), this is how it went.


NICK TAKING IT apart to paint it

ONE OF THE freakiest moments of my life. A little token waiting inside the 'petal chamber' (my own terminology, don't quote me) from Joe the jerks garage.


I HAD SO much fun working on this bike. Thanks for your help Nick, and thanks for taking my bike, people with the car. I like mine better.


moriah said...

it's so cute! gary just got a bike and loves it. he rides everyday. i want to get one and a pull behind for canyon.

LannaBear said...

Much cooler handle bars! And basket! Hot mama red!

My family Begins said...

Sweet bike! When we buy a bigger place, one of the first things I will buy is a beach cruiser