

SHELBY AND MILHOUSE met many months ago during her very first visit to the zoo. After a long hot day, no nap and a dusty, bumpy ride in the stroller, sweet little Shelby was in need of comfort that even her own mother could not provide. In search of air conditioning and an overwhelming urge to buy something, we headed into the gift shop on a mission to mark the very special occasion of 'baby's first trip to the zoo'. Earlier that day, Shelby (in a much more cheerful mood) showed an affinity towards the squirrel monkeys. With that in mind we perused the stuffed animals looking for any label naming the certain dirty peeing but still adorable monkey. FOUND, and never let go. Shelby had never before shown such immediate, such intense interest in anything in all her 8 months of life. Now at almost 2 years old she has yet to set him down. Poor Milhouse has been washed more than a hundred times, has seen the floor of Walmart on countless occasions, has shared in a million messy mealtimes and has even taken a few baths with Shelby because of my inability to break her heart and take him away from her for a full 20 minutes. Shelby and Milhouse have a very special relationship and I have a feeling he will sit on the bed (or at least in the closet) belonging to her own child.


jes said...

she is too sweet!! i'm excited you two will be close by.. it'll be fun to get to know her better.

Summer said...

Cute post! I love the picture of Shelby. She is so CUTE with that monkey. I like the new pics. on your photo blog, too! Love ya.